Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where Am I?

Well after having a lot of issues with my last blog i have decided to restart this on an account i can remember. And since Blogger decided to delete my old posts due to inactivity(?) im just going to start fresh.

So where am I? Well right now I'm at work. Which is located in Baltimore. Which is located in Maryland. Which is located on the east coast. Which sucks.

Where was I? I was in Honolulu. Which is located in Oahu. Which is an island in Hawaii. Which is a small speck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

I was there for a year just to experience something new, fun and challenging and it was. I arrived there with no place to live no job and very little money. Started living at a hostel for the first week or so. Moved onto a small apartment for a while then worked my way up to a much nicer two bedroom apartment with some friends. I got a job and a car learned to surf, to appreciate things a lot more then i use to, tried new foods. It was a period of my life that is still hard to believe I left behind.

So why did I leave? Why do guys do all the stupid things they do? For a girl of course. However this was not a stupid choice and she is surely not just some girl. She is all the reasons I am who I am right now. By just being herself I am encouraged to be a better person.

So what am I doing now? Well i work at a call center doing tech support. I live with 5 really good friends in Rosedale in a pretty awesome house. I try to play soccer as much as i can. Recently with the warmer weather i have started a garden and also trying to get in better shape by going running. I am just trying to make the best of what I have right now.

So where am I going from here? Well I have never been one to plan things out too far ahead. I owe a lot of money to different banks and such. Around 5 grand. So I have been working pretty hard to get all of that paid off as soon as I can. Once I am debt free I would really like to get back out there so some more of the world. I am lucky enough to have an adventurous girlfriend. Granted she has a bit of a girlie attitude towards some of the elements. It's nothing that cannot be overcome when the time calls for it. I hope. This summer will be a good test. Ever since I moved back to Maryland I have not been with my girlfriend for longer then about a week due to her going to college in New Jersey. So this summer will be a test of how well we can put up with each other and our minor conflicts. I am hoping for the best.

For anyone needing an extra push towards wanting to do something amazing or exciting or adventurous: You might think that you have too much responsibility or things holding you back but at a young age (below 30) you still have more then enough time to regain your footing. Relationships will be healed with time, be it with friends or family. Jobs will always be available, even in our lacking economy. If you want to do something then go do it. Make it that one thing that you will remember for the rest of your life. You will never regret it.

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